Our Dedicated Professionals
Our team of dedicated professionals are here for you.
Judy Green DipScOst, D.O.M.P.
Osteopathic Manucal Practitioner
Judy specializes in treating infants and young babies. Cranial, General and Biodynamic Osteopathy is Judy's main love. This combined with her passionate study of stability and movement in developmental kinesiology (an intimate study of milestones in the first year of life) has led her to become highly competent in the treatment of infants. She shares her knowledge with manual practitioners through her courses, and has now taught over 200 practitioners.
Judy graduated from the University of Toronto in 1981 with a Bachelors degree in Physiotherapy. Judy completed her Osteopathic Training at the Canadian College of Osteopathy in 2001.
Judy has taken an abundance of courses in the field from notable Osteopaths around the world. She has completed all available Biodynamic Phase courses with Dr. James Jealous; 1-9 for Adults and 1-3 for Paediatrics.
Judy became the first certified Paediatric DNS Practitioner on completion of all examinations in Prague at the Prague School of Rehabilitation in 2015.
Judy is a certified Paediatric Vojta therapist, completing all requirements at the international Vojta Institute in Seigen Germany in 2017. Judy has the distinction of being the first certified paediatric Vojta therapist in North America.
Judy created and teaches courses: "Assessment and Treatment of the Young Baby for Manual Practitioners". See "courses for practitioners" for more information!
Jacqueline Green M.Ost.DO
Osteopathic Manual Practitioner
Jacqueline specializes in treating infants, digestive and visceral issues, physical and stress related pain, traumatic injuries and post natal care.
Jacqueline received her Clinical Integrated Masters in Osteopathy from the highly regarded European School of Osteopathy in Maidstone UK.
Jacqueline joined the Green Osteopathic Clinic in 2011 and is a member in good standing of the Ontario Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners.
Jacqueline has completed Phases 1-5 of Osteopathic Biodynamic studies as well as Phase 3 Paediatrics with Dr. James Jealous.
Jacqueline is a certified DNS Adult and Paediatric practitioner, receiving her certification in 2017 from the Prague School of Rehabilitation. Jacqueline has completed Core Courses 1-3 and the Core Integrated Clinical Course of "Assessment and Treatment of the Young Baby".
Susanne Schmid R. Ac.
Susanne specializes in treating adults with a focus on anxiety and stress, digestive disorders, repetitive strain injuries and physical pain. She takes a holistic approach to care, addressing both the root causes and symptoms of her patients concerns.
Susanne completed her Acupuncture training in 1998, earning her Diploma from The Academy of Acupuncture. She has been practicing for over 20 years. She is a member in good standing of The College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturist’s of Ontario.
In addition, Susanne has pursued training in myofascial, visceral and cranial work expanding her ability to provide comprehensive hands on care. She integrates these modalities into her treatments offering a tailored approach to unique needs.
Susanne has also studied with Judy, completing all available courses on the Assessment and Treatment of the Young Baby!